
02The Chanticleer Intelligence Brief (CIB) is an estimative-intelligence initiative supported by the Center for Applied Intelligence at Coastal Carolina University. It operates as an ancillary practicum for CCU students who wish to cultivate and refine their ability to gather, analyze and present information in accordance with techniques used in the intelligence profession. The purpose of The CIB is six-fold:

  • To train aspiring professionals in accordance with the tradecraft of the intelligence profession, including oral and written briefing conventions
  • To provide aspiring intelligence professionals with opportunities to develop their area-specialization and deepen their geopolitical and topical knowledge through research, analysis and constructive debate
  • To identify biases in its members and replace them with the principles of analytical tradecraft, aimed at refining the art of producing well–researched, factual and impartial analytical products
  • To promote and cultivate among its members an interest in current affairs and their future significance
  • To provide its members with opportunities to develop their leadership, team-building and networking skills
  • To instill among its members the values of personal integrity, mutual respect, loyalty, fidelity, judgment and discretion


The following Foundational Documents govern the operations of the CIB and the activities, as well as behavior, of its members: 1) the CIB Constitution; 2) the CIB Code of Conduct; and 3) the CIB Election By-Laws. These Foundational Documents have been crafted through the painstaking and detail-oriented work of successive generations of CIB Executive Team members. The CIB is indebted to them for their contributions to the organizational cohesiveness of our ongoing effort. These Foundational Documents continue to be amended and improved as the CIB Executive Team deems appropriate. However, any member of the CIB can request that a Foundational Document be amended, by approaching a member of the CIB and making request.